Monday, October 20, 2008

Chico Fall Fest Drag Queens

I found this on Wise County Messengers blog.
I thought this was great fun.
If you know who these guys are, let us all know.

Written by: Joe Duty
Photo taken by: Joe Duty
The blog reads:
Never could quiet figure out the amusement of guys dressing up like girls, but they sure seem to have a lot of fun with it. Over the years I had shot several “dudes like a Lady” but I think the highlight goes to Chico, Texas, I mean this is the entertainment on the square for Chico fall fest.
Great work guys, where is a Pete Hart when you need him.

Schools That Failed The AYP Standards

I thought this was interesting.
Chico did pretty well considering the other schools on this list failed a least two subjects.
Math is a problem and needs to be addressed.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Chico Football 2008

Well maybe it time to start a posting about this.
This is always a hot topic. We are just as passionate about our football as we are about politics and religion.
I have posted a comment under Streets and Yards about football after someone left a comment there about the team.
I know this is one place where people will probably have a opinion and I am eager to see what everyone will say.......

Friday, October 10, 2008

Streets and Yards.

How surprised I was to find that people had actually left comments.

I am very happy that people are voicing their opinions.
I hope you tell others......

Several people have posted comments on the streets and yards in town.
I agree that the streets are never repaired. Take the street in front of the Elementary school, they dug it up, did their thing and left it a mess. I'm sure it will never be repaired right...
Why doesn't this town ever fill the pot holes or re-surface the roads?

Some posted comments about the traffic in front of the Elementary school. It is a nightmare to say the least. I'm hoping that with the new Elementary school we will not have the same problem. I don't know if the new High school and Elementary school will be sharing a parking lot? God I hope not.

What do you think....