Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The new superintendent and Elementary Principal

We have a new Superintendent Mike Jones. I hope he is settling in just fine. I hope he can make some much needed changes in our district.

The new Elementary Principal Lisa Slaughter seems rather nice. There has been a lot of talk about how tough she is. That is one thing they like about her, because they have a discipline problem in that school. Which begs the question, if Russell Black couldn't control the elementary kids, how is he going to control the high school kids?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

It's just my opinion, but there are probably discipline problems in every Elementary School. Let's focus on the crappy school traffic!

Anonymous said...

CES could benefit from tough love. I for one am very excited to have her. I wish her luck, there are many folks that don't like change and are going to complain about every little thing. GET OVER IT.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All I can say is that my children are doing great with the new Principal, maybe the Middle School could use one!

Anonymous said...

maybe if the middle school principal would concentrate on his job and quit perving out on all the teachers he would do better.

Anonymous said...

just heard a rumor that one of the elemetary school teachers is quitting to go to work at another school at xmas time and there combining the students with an existing class. wouldnt it be much better to just do this now and get it over with and get rid of the teacher? also how can a teacher get out of her contract and do this to a group of young kids?

Anonymous said...

It was hard at first adjusting to the new principal but love her now. Change is always tough but once you figure out what she wants its very black and white and very easy to work with. Great addition to CES.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that sometimes teachers have to do what's best for themselves and their families. It may not always be what we think is best for ours, but give her a break. I don't understand why they just don't replace her with another teacher and then they wouldn't have to combine the classes.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the teacher herself found the blog. no one else in this world would support that crazy notion. shame, shame we know your name...

Anonymous said...

That's really funny, I don't even know which teacher it is. What kind of crazy notion are you talking about? Shame, shame, we know your name....You know nothing about what you think you do.

Anonymous said...

ummmm k ;)

Anonymous said...

sometimes you have to wonder what goes thru others minds.Why complain about a teacher going to another school and divide the small class she had?????????? hmmmm that willdo what put 12 to 15 in the other two classes? Imsure the two teachers can handle it and will teach them all very well. Put yourself in that teachers shoes and if it was a better opportunity wouldnt you go? SUPPORT PEOPLE DONT DOWN THEM.

Anonymous said...

First off would like to say when is our community going to realize that MR. BLACK is a snake and by no means need to be a principal at Chico schools. Everybody of importance should do some digging on him and we would probably find out he is not such a good person. When that digging is done we will prob see he is having and or trying to have a relationship with no telling how many of his staff. I am quite sure it never came out why he was run out of Alvord. HMMMM I wonder... Chico residents we all need to wake up and run him out of town..

Anonymous said...

We are new to the city of Chico and quite frankly I wish I had never bought property here. Chico is the perfect example of small town hypocracy. Our child is certainly not treated like the others because we are outsiders and as far as Ms. Slaughter, she needs to check out the FACTS before administering punishment.. She might just find out that the little home grown angels arent quite so innocent! She screams at the kids (especially mine) and threatens to "break their neck" great job Ms. Slaughter. Keep up the good work, you are really promoting self esteem and make these kids want to come to school everyday!