Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Arrest Of Kyler Hale...

The word of this spread like wild fire. Rumors running wild.
The talk of the town.

How surprised I was to see it on WFAA channel 8. They got more wrong than right. The article of the arrest on their web site was all about sensationalism, so much drama.
That video that is posted on their web site, is all about sensationalism too.
We are a small town and people think that we should not have the same problems as the big city does. We do....
They think because we are small town we should have better control of our kids.
People in our county just think "well it's Chico what do you expect".
The truth is because we are small town, we give our kids a little more freedom than we would if we lived in the city.
I believe that this shines light on a bigger problem in this town.
There are people in this town that get special treatment. I've seen parents behavior about their kids so bad I wasn't sure which one was the child. A lot of parents expect special treatment for their kids, different rules for them and a lot of them get it. The parent of one of the kids accused behaviors is so immature. I've witness this parent cursing other people out at school functions and just plain throwing a fit like a spoiled child. Which this has worked for this parent. This parent gets the kid out of trouble, while others suffer for their actions. It was just a matter of time it would caches up to all of them.
When you spoil a child and never make them accountable for their choices, than it should not be shock when this happens.

Kids make mistakes and as parents we try to help them learn from it. This doesn't always work but we keep on trying. I'm not saying that the parents of all the kids involved are bad parents. Some of these kids have a long history of getting in trouble and very little has been done about, if anything at all.

So many rumors, but do any of us really know what happened?
The boy and girl names has been dragged through the mud on the web.
Should Kyler be charged with sexual assault? It seems rather extreme. I know it is the law but a little unfair. The age difference it what has gotten him in so much trouble.
At the end of the day who was more responsible, the 17yr old or the 13yr old. Who should had been the wiser of the two? Somebody should had said no.

Other places on the web that had were you could post comments have shut the comments sections down because people were using the names of the other involved which is a NO NO. No minors names can be mention.
I felt our town, our talk. So, talk about here but I will delete any comments that breaks the rules and laws. ALL comments will be reviewed before posted. You may not like this but that is the way it has to be because so many can't follow the rules and has become so passionate about this subject that they get down right nasty and mean. Your still free to speak, just be benign when writing about it. No names except Kyler's.

Don't forget to scroll down to The DA investigating charges of sex with underage Chico students and read comments there to.


Anonymous said...

How could she be 13 when I saw her get into a small white SUV at Chico Foods and drive it, there was no parent, just a friend with her?

Anonymous said...

Go to this web link, it gives better info.

trappedinchico said...

7:19AM, what does it matter if she is driving or not? The people here don't give a crap about anything, what would stop them from letting a teenager or any age drive?

And that CBS 11 story, the lawyer is a real piece of work. What does it matter if the guy is a football player? The really sad thing about it is people all over are saying the same thing. Apparently football absolves you of everything. Even more revolting is the blame placed on the girls' choice in dress. These people would blame the way a rape victim was dressed.

Anonymous said...

I found this while I was doing some research on the county.

Pretty good info. Read it to the end.!Documents%26Research/Robert%2520Fox/Court%2520of%2520Inquiry/Court%2520of%2520Inquiry%2520Statement.doc+wise+county+sheriff+records&cd=34&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Anonymous said...

All the boys need to be arrested.
Kyler is not the only one.

Anonymous said...

well in my opinion kyler should not have been the only one who got in troble all the people involved should have got in troble not just kyler so people cant just blame him for the hole thing thats not fair. People make mistakes and we should not hold this against him.