Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I've Been Gone But I'm Back!!!!!

I know people were wondering if I had abandoned this Blog. Well for a time I did. I had to take care of my parents and didn't have time to blog. Once I got back home, there was so much to do and I just haven't had the time until now. I would like to thank my husband and children for holding down the fort while I was gone. I couldn't had done it without you....

Now, Lets get back to blogging.....
With all that's has been going on, I thought this was the time to return.
I've notice people of this town need a place to speak out about all that happens here.
If you come and read this blog, pass it along to some else. The more the merrier.

Alway remember y'all can talk among yourselves. This blog is driven by y'all.

So much happened while I was gone. I'm truly sorry to hear about Morgan's and the Mayor's death.

I hope all is forgiven and we can return to posting. I know there is more that's has happen that I don't even know about. So fill me in......

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