Thursday, June 4, 2009

WC Messenger Has The Comments Back On!!!

If you expect to leave a comment on a news story, you better be prepared to give a DNA sample! Are they trying to keep people from posting a comment? If you want a public forum for discussions, you need a little freedom. If we lived in the "Big City" what difference would it make who you are? Chances are, other people reading the comments wouldn't have a clue who you are, but, here in this county, chances are good someone will know who you are. If you think that it doesn't matter, you would be wrong. If your comments go against popular opinion, people definitely let you know about it and sometimes even retaliate. I have known people who were targeted and have suffered loss of business; their kids were singled out at school and teachers who have lost their jobs.The next thing you know they will want you to come down in person with your driver's license and birth certificate to register.

Don't forget to read the blog comments guidelines, a good read even if you don't post a comment.

1 comment:

Denney Crane said...

Best blog you've done...

Let me worship!!!
